Monday, October 24, 2011

It is for.....

So I was going to write a post about the struggles of my life and frustrations of people who are hurtful but instead I feel God telling me to look at them as He sees them. His words were loud and clear to me "Look at who they really are." If I can lay claim to being a daughter of a king doesn't that mean everyone can too? Who am I to say that someone doesn't deserve a crown? I read the bible and it feeds my soul. God's Word tells me who I am in Him. It points to Truth about creation, the womb and constant beauty. It shows me grace when I make mistakes, mercy when I should be punished, restoration when I have been damaged, redemption when I have been wrong, but most importantly, forgiven for it all.

This is true for everyone who believes it and trusts it. It is for the child who disobeys, the wife who controls, the husband who is quick to anger, the parent who is quick to criticize, the co-worker who lives a sinful life, the friend who walks away and the child who is forever damaged. It would be so easy for me to condemn and throw my stones at those who hurt me, betray me and deny me. I want to retaliate and sharpen my sword at them. But God holds me back in his arms reminding me that I deserve the same.

So I ask that you all try to do the same in your lives. Give love, mercy and boundless grace to those around you.

1 comment:

  1. I like your writing Sandra. I find something to relate to in every post. I wish you blogged more often. This post was particularly helpful to me when I read it earlier this week. Kathy
