1 John 3:1 - "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"
Proverbs 20:7 - The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.

We talked last night in our life group about a time in our lives when a huge gap caused us grief. My first thought was when my Daddy went to the Gulf War in the 90s. It was at a critical age for me - those teenage years. It wasn't his choice - he was deployed. Up until then, my brother and I were never away from our parents too often. Sometimes my parents had to leave for their annual 2 week military training, but my dad was pretty present in my life. He worked hard as a policeman, he hunted, he fished, he coached baseball, and he took care of the house. He worked hard to protect and provide for us. So, as you can imagine his leaving for almost 6 months was a huge gap. My mom (bless her heart) had so much to handle. A new puppy, a teenage hormone snotty girl, and young man and a household. I wasn't the best kid in the world. I didn't make the best choices back then, either. We lived in constant fear we would get "that call" he was hurt or lost or dead. We didn't have internet, cell phones, facebook, email, etc. We finally bought an answering machine in case we missed his call. Thankfully he came home. His loss away from me really took a toll and I tried to fill that void with alcohol, drugs, boys, friends, lying, etc. I am not proud of my choices. I was an angry young lady. Looking back, I know I blamed my parents for everything, but as a parent right now, it was not their fault. He was doing what he needed to protect us - to protect me. I didn't realize it at the time, but my Dad would lay his life down for me at any time. Even today he would.
Fast forward a few years. I meet this amazing man. I married him. With that marriage came his crazy gigantic family. I came from a small boring family. He has 6 siblings and millions of nieces and nephews. I just had my brother. The best part about his family was I was accepted. No one cared who I was, what I did for a living or what choices I made in the past. They all welcomed me right in. The best part of marrying this man - the father who raised him. I had a great Dad growing up, and now I had another great dad to continue to teach me, love me, and accept me no matter what. My Dad doesn't live near me, but new father-in-law lived mere miles away. Words can't describe this man. He didn't just love, he loved BIG. He spoiled us, he took care of us, he watched over us, he held us afloat, he accepted us. Every year before school started he took all the kids and grandkids for hair cuts and shoe buying. His treat. Every Christmas he bought the kids baby dolls, toy trucks, pajamas, clothes, socks, underwear, cologne and lotion sets, oven mitts, towels, food, and so much more. He donated to any charity he ran across. He gave us plastic cups and pencils at every holiday (yes those plastic cups are still used daily). He used to call us to come "shopping" at his house because he shelves were so full they were going to break. Every Sunday he brought me the Michaels coupon just because I asked for it once. He took us moms out for Mothers Day at Old Country Buffet. He took my kids to McDonalds. My favorite memory was the first time he met his grandkids from Ethiopia. His eyes lit up and were instantly filled with love. One day that all changed. A brief three years later that light when out when he took his last breath surrounded by all of those who loved him. Not a day goes by that we don't mourn the loss of this man. He fought in Vietnam. He also protected his family and provided for his family. He took care of anyone in need.
I am blessed with two wonderful heroes in my life - my father and my father-in-law. These men are the epitome of what it means to sacrifice for others. They both suffer(ed) from health issues due to the wars the battled in. My father-in-law died because of these issues. My Daddy continues to struggle with his health. Yet, they still continued day to day loving us, providing for us and protecting us. Thank you Daddy and Dad Raskell. Without you, my life would be empty.
These men are just a brief glance at what our Father in Heaven is. God our Father also provides, protects and loves us. He holds us in His arms and rocks us to sleep when we are scared. He provides loved ones to support us, clothing, food, housing. All the needs we need in order to survive. He loves us even when we make bad choices. His love is NEVER failing, NEVER based on performance, NEVER gives up, and NEVER goes away. I may have lost my earthy father-in-law, but I will never lose the Father who created me. I am His masterpiece, designed only by Him. I am built beautiful because of His craftmanship, He has molded me in His hands, transformed me into where I am and Restored my brokenness with His Mercy, Grace, Forgivness and Gentleness. Thank You Father, for your unending Love.
I know many of you did not have good fathers. They were never there, they put conditions on their love, they had high expectations, they abused you, they lied to you, they left you, they abandoned you. Your True Father will NEVER do this. He is waiting for you - patiently and always. Take His hand and let Him lead you to repentance, redemption and restoration.
Thank you Jesus for this reminder today. Help me and my family to work through our loss of our father. Continue to pour out your Boundless Grace to me.
Beautiful tribute to your earthly fathers, Sandra, and I'm sure greatly pleasing to our Heavenly one. Kathy