Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I WILL listen next time

Yesterday I felt the Spirit move me. He told me to do something. I asked Him if He was sure. "I can make it Lord, its all good." I even asked my peer if we could make it, and he agreed with me, we can make it. Yet, we didn’t make it. Scraaaape. My work Jeep slid and scraped the post. I should have listened to the Spirit telling me to go a different way, because then I wouldn't have slid into the pole. Ahhhh, life lessons.

I did surprise myself through it all and I never stressed about it. I think it is because God was still there. Even though I didn't listen to His gentle leading, and made my own choice, He still comforted me afterwards. He reminded me that even when I don't listen, I don't obey and I choose the outcome based on my intellect, His love is still there. Still just as big, still never ending and still just as strong. Love never fails.

I haven’t always felt His presence, especially lately. I am currently wondering through the wilderness of life – just like Moses did. Even though God may have called me here into this wilderness, doesn’t mean He has abandoned me. Of course, some days I do feel like I am alone, struggling, wondering if anyone cares, wondering what the point of it all is. And then, in my darkest times, God speaks to my heart. "I love you, child. I rejoice in you. I dance over you. I created you!" We are never alone. I am so thankful I found my way back to Him. I remember some of my darkest days feeling like it was me against God. Satan convinced me I was worthless, unwanted, unloved, pure trash. Then I finally saw the Truth and realized what a lie I had lived. God doesn't feel that way. He has been by my side the whole time. Always there. Do you believe this? Even in your darkest times, do you Trust His promise to never leave you or forsake you? I pray today you do. Today I will remember He is always there holding me in unfailing love, boundless Grace, and mercy.



1 comment:

  1. He loves you, you are His dear child and He will lead you! Prayers.
