I am proud to know many war veterans from all different wars. WWII, Korean,
So, are we as Christians any different? In many ways, we are not. We just fight a different battle. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12. Sometimes it is hard to feel like a hero when you don’t even know what you are fighting. I was at the Abuse Recovery Ministry Services (A.R.M.S.) banquet on Saturday night when one of the speakers mentioned that survivors of domestic violence are veterans. It got me thinking. I am a veteran to the war I battled for over seven years. At times I almost lost my life, and at times I raised my hands in victory. Each battle, however, has left scars. But these scars symbolize the freedom I feel today. I am no longer a slave to a human man. He doesn’t control me. Sometimes I let him through PTSD or coping behaviors, but with Christ I am able to continually overcome these chains of bondage.
I think anyone who has struggled with bondage and has been released through Christ is a war veteran. That bondage could be food, alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, spending, TV, Facebook, internet, work – anything that keeps them separate from God. God teaches us in Ephesians 6 to put on our armor of God. I pray this every morning with my daughter on my way to work. The belt of truth, shoes of peace, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. If we were not in battle why would we need armor? I encourage you pick up your armor and fight this battle we are in. We only have one enemy – Satan. We are not to fight each other, but the lies we believe, we hear, the temptations before us, and the darkness. Just like war veterans receive disability for their efforts we receive eternal life for ours. Heaven is our disability pay. It is where we will go to be fully healed with no more battles to face.
I encourage you to look for the struggles and battles you face every day and remember that you have the power and strength to conquer and win. “I can do ALL things in Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13. Remember He holds you in Boundless Grace promising an eternal victory.
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