Saturday, August 25, 2012

Open Doors

My life is perfectly ordered. I don't like change, I don't like to step out of the box. For many of you that know me, I prefer to never rearrange anything. I like to keep couches, TVs, beds, dressers etc. in the same spot day after day. Boring I know.

Yet, I am feeling called to change. Not sure what that is yet, but I am praying for clarity. A friend is currently selling their house. It is my dream house. I would love to snatch it up in a heartbeat, but it is double what we could ever afford. It holds everything I have ever wanted - outdoors, acreage, beautiful kitchen, seclusion, peace. Yet it would change us all drastically!

Have you ever been moved to pray for something so crazy you wonder where it came from? I am embarking on a new bible study with my friend. Trusting God is what we are working on. Perfect timing for the decisions, wouldn't you say? I know God wants what is best for me and my family it is the trust part that has me freaked out! To step on the edge of all that is safe freaks me out. Yet I do firmly hold to the knowledge that if I step out for Him and His will I will only fall into His arms - into safety.

Life is uncertain. It can end as quickly as I hit "publish". Lord I want to know that I have done everything in my power to trust and follow You. Lord you have always held my by your boundless grace, please don't stop now!